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Alabama's Race to the Bottom

Writer: Kyle  CriderKyle Crider
LCV’s annual National Environmental Scorecard tracks the voting records of members of Congress on environmental, climate change, and democracy legislation and scores them on whether their votes protect people and the planet.

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. This phrase (often misattributed to Einstein) quite aptly describes the Alabama voters that keep electing "conservative" representatives who, clearly, don't give a d___ about actual conservation. This, even though we have so much to lose. Alabama ranks first in the nation for stream miles. For freshwater diversity. For overall diversity, east of the Mississippi River. So, what are Alabama's so-called conservatives conserving?

There is no "conservation" in Alabama's "conservatives" (Senate version).
There is no "conservation" in Alabama's "conservatives" (Senate version).

There is no "conservation" in Alabama's "conservatives" (House version).
There is no "conservation" in Alabama's "conservatives" (House version).

Alabama deserves better.

Conservatism is only as good as what it conserves. — Friedrich August von Hayek


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