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Stop Utility Shutoffs and Evictions in Birmingham

We hope this message finds you and your loved ones doing well during these trying times. We are in the midst of a crisis and a lot of people in the Birmingham area have come to us for assistance with rent and utility bills. Maybe you or someone you know is on the list of those we were able to assist. Maybe you applied but haven't been able to receive funds. We are happy to have been able to bring relief to so many in our area, but there are more families out there that need help. Unfortunately, no one is coming to save us, so we really need to pull together and do this ourselves. If you haven't yet signed our petition, please CLICK HERE and sign our petition to stop evictions and utility cutoffs in Birmingham right now to keep people in their homes.  Also, please send this to your family and friends,  faith communities, Facebook groups, etc. We will need as many people as possible to show their support. 




That's not all you can do. Please get involved. Everyone's ideas are important and only you know what's happening in your home, on your street, and in your community. We need to hear your voice and we need you to participate. It you would like to join in the fight to keep our families in their homes, to keep the lights on, and to keep the heat going as winter approaches, please email me,, and we will be in touch.


Yours in solidarity,


Kyle G. Crider

Alabama Interfaith Power & Light / The People's Justice Council

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